Positive results from Riverside
Lettuce and Broccoli trials.

We are pleased to report the progress of the Skeepon trials using Lettuce and Broccoli conducted in Riverside, started last Feburary.

Here is the timelaps images of Lettuce and Broccoli plants treated with water, and Skeepon (1/500 diluted). After 8 days without water, the plants treated with Skeepon, especially the broccoli, remained vigorous compared to the control plants.
After 12 days without water, the plants were re-watered.
At the end, both broccoli and lettuce plants treated with Skeepon showed remarkable recoveries compared to the control plants.

We will now begin our tomato trials, in collaboration with UC Davis and the California Tomato Research Institute.
Stay tuned for the next progress reports.